Charsiu Pork It is classified as a type of siu mei (燒味), Cantonese roasted meat. The best Char Siu recipe with perfect Cantonese BBQ char siu pork and sweet char siu sauce. This is an authentic recipe that tastes like Cantonese restaurants in Chinatown!

Bahan Membuat Charsiu Pork

  1. 250 gr daging babi (bs pake ayam).
  2. 2 sdm bumbu charsiu (bumbu bbq merk lee kum kee).
  3. 1/2 sdt bumbu ngohiong.
  4. 2 siung bawang putih haluskan.
  5. secukupnya jahe parut.
  6. minyak wijen (optional).
  7. angkak / pewarna makanan merah (aq skip krn ga ad yg jual angkak dan aq ga mau pakai pewarna makanan, biarlah coklat saja😂).
  8. garam gula penyedap.
  9. madu (untuk olesan saat panggang).

Langkah Memasak Charsiu Pork

  1. Marinasi daging babi potongan utuh, dengan semua bahan diatas kecuali madu, saya simpan di kulkas semalaman.
  2. Panggang daging di oven kira2 suhu 150-190 lama 40 menit (sambil dilihat2, jgn teralu lama agar tdk keras).
  3. Potong2 serong daging lalu celup dkit di madu / bs pake kuas, panggang sebentar di teflon, angkat.

Making Chinese BBQ pork at home is a pretty simple and easy process. Just gotta marinate and roast some porks shoulder and you've got it! There's char siu, whole roasted ducks, soy sauce chicken, five-spiced roast pork with the crunchiest skin imaginable. The food served at these take-out meat counters are known. Char Siu Pork Tenderloin: Char siu means "fork-roast"—the ancient Chinese practice of roasting pork on fork-shaped skewers over charcoal.

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