Char Siu Pork The best Char Siu recipe with perfect Cantonese BBQ char siu pork and sweet char siu sauce. This is an authentic recipe that tastes like Cantonese restaurants in Chinatown! One thing I miss about living in Australia is being able to visit the local Chinatown, whether it be for a traditional Dim Sum breakfast, a browse through the colourful aisles of the.

Bahan Membuat Char Siu Pork

  1. 500 gr daging babi/ ayam.
  2. 1 sdt angkak,rendam air panas trs haluskan.
  3. 2 cm jahe,parut.
  4. 3 sdm BBQ sauce.
  5. 1 sdt bumbu ngo hiong.
  6. 1 sdm minyak wijen.
  7. 1 sdt ang ciu.
  8. 1/4 sdt garam.
  9. 2 sdm madu.

Langkah Memasak Char Siu Pork

  1. Lumuri daging dg smua bumbu yg sdh di campur rata Tusuk2 pake garpu, biar bumbu meresap ke dalam. Tutup plastik Simpan di kulkas selama2nya 😂 (Minim 3 jam).
  2. Panaskan oven di suhu 150, panggang selama kurleb 40mnt. (Tergantung oven masing2 ya).
  3. Potong tipis2, baru di sajikan.

Chinese BBQ pork is loved the world over, and it's not hard to make at home! With some key ingredients and a couple of technique. Choosing Pork for Char Siu: This is perhaps the most important step. Classically, Chinese BBQ pork uses pork butt, a.k.a. pork shoulder for this dish. It is a flavourful and fatty cut of meat that is perfect.

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