Ngo Hiong simple A century of Ngo Hiong Hae Biah; using original ingredients coupled with modern technology to bring out the authentic flavour that generations of Singaporeans have come to love. Ngo Hiong simply means five spice in Teow Chew language; this is a fantastic dish made with sliced taro and carrot instead of pork meat, but the classic flavour has been retained with five spice powder. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

Bahan Membuat Ngo Hiong simple

  1. 200 gr daging babi cincang.
  2. 200 gr udang cincang.
  3. 10 siung bawang putih.
  4. 1 butir telur.
  5. 2 sdm terigu.
  6. 2 sdm saus tiram.
  7. 1 sdt bumbu ngohiong.
  8. Secukupnya garam gula lada.
  9. 1 lembar kulit tahu.

Langkah Memasak Ngo Hiong simple

  1. Campur daging babi, udang, bawang, telur, terigu, saus tiram, bumbu ngohiong, garam gula lada. Aduk rata..
  2. Bungkus adonan dengan kulit tahu. Lalu kukus selama 20 menit. Dinginkan. Lalu bisa langsung di goreng atau disimpan di dalam freezer..

Goreng ngo hiong sampai kecoklatan, potong-potong dan sajikankan dengan saus cabe. Beberapa orang memotong dahulu sebelum digoreng. Deep fry or pan fried the sausages, cut and serve with. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Ngo Hiong and we'll search for valuable new information for you. kee hiong nutrition facts and nutritional information. Tổng hợp các truyện liên quan đến hiong.

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