Alpukat quinoa Combine avocado and quinoa, and it's the ultimate superfood salad! Try this easy, delicious recipe from Veggies Save the Day. Who knew avocado made such a wonderful addition to desserts?

Bahan Membuat Alpukat quinoa

  1. 1/2 pcs alpukat.
  2. 1 sdm quinoa matang.
  3. 10 pcs potato pringers.

Langkah Memasak Alpukat quinoa

  1. 1. Siapkan quinoa matang 2. Potong dadu alpukat 3. Ambil pringers 4. Isi toping alpukat.
  2. Ayo cek resep ini

Apalagi dibarengi dengan beberapa bahan makanan lain seperti irisan tomat, selada, alpukat, bawang merah dan udang panggang yang disajikan dalam semangkuk menu ini. Brownies alpukat, resep brownies alpukat, brownies alpukat lumer, resep brownies alpukat lumer, dessert box, resep dessert box, dessert recipe. Simple, healthy, and incredibly delicious, you'll want to make it over and over again! I have enjoyed it For lunch at least twice every week for the last few months since I LOVE it so much. All of the tastes work good together and it's also simple to make.

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