Milky Avocado Puding Cara membuat kudapan ini pun cukup mudah dan prosesnya pun tidak terlalu. This "Chocolate Avocado Pudding" tastes a lot like uncooked (instant) JELLO brand puddings made from powdered mixes that I remember from my childhood (except without the fake chemical aftertaste). This sinfully healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse is rich and so silky smooth… and you really can't taste the avocado!

Bahan Membuat Milky Avocado Puding

  1. 1 buah alpukat matang.
  2. 2 kotak susu ultra mimi rasa vanila.
  3. 1/2 bungkus agar2 swallow plain.
  4. 4-5 sendok makan gula.
  5. 150 ml Air.
  6. Untuk vla susu :.
  7. 2 kotak susu ultra mimi.
  8. 1 sendok makan maizena.
  9. 2-3 sendok makan gula.
  10. 50 ml Air.

Langkah Memasak Milky Avocado Puding

  1. Blender alpukat dengan 150ml air. Lalu saring.
  2. Siapkan panci isi susu, alpukat yg sudah d bleder, gula, agar2.
  3. Masak agar2 sampai mendidih. Lalu tuang dalam wadah dan dinginkan..
  4. Untuk vla susu : masak susu, gula sampai hampir mendidih. Lalu masukan maizena yg telah di campur air. Masak sampai mendidih..

This pudding is dairy-free and healthy from In a food processor or blender, blend melted chocolate, avocados, cocoa powder, non-dairy milk, maple. Maybe to shock the taste buds with happiness and joy! Connect to Yummly to review this recipe. Chocolate avocado pudding is a decadent, creamy, healthy dessert made with avocados and raw cacao powder.

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