🥑 Dalgona Coffee Avocado 🥑 Easy Dalgona Coffee Recipe/Korean Coffee/Whipped Coffee/Frothy Coffee. Guys, kali ini gw mau kasih lihat kalian cara membuat Dalgona Coffee yang lagi viral, tapi kali ini gw ganti sedikit dengan jus alpukat. Pastinya bikin Dalgona Coffee lebih mantap!

Bahan Membuat 🥑 Dalgona Coffee Avocado 🥑

  1. 2 sdm bubuk kopi harus merek Nescafe Classic.
  2. 2 sdm gula pasir butiran halus.
  3. 2 sdm air hangat.
  4. 1 buah alpukat (haluskan dgn chopper).
  5. secukupnya Susu cair full cream.
  6. secukupnya Es batu.
  7. sejumput Meises.

Langkah Memasak 🥑 Dalgona Coffee Avocado 🥑

  1. Mixer /handwisker bubuk kopi, gula halus, air panas sampai mengental,kurang 2-3 menit.
  2. Tuangkan alpukat di dasar gelas,tuang susu cair, masukkan es batu, tuang dalgona diatasnya, taburi meises..
  3. Siap disajikan 🥑🍸.

The dalgona coffee craze emerged after a TV show clip of South Korean actor Jung Il Woo trying whipped coffee at a cafe in Macau was uploaded onto YouTube in January, according to a detailed. Call it what you will, this crazy concoction has taken over the internet. This is my quick step-by-step guide to the Korean dalgona coffee and I will show you hot to make it sugar-free and almost calorie-free (if you use nut or seed milk)! I can confess, avocado toasts are one of my favorites snacks or breakfast options. It's just a perfect combination of nutrients, and the flavor and texture is just an explosion in the mouth..

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