Avocado toast is a type of open sandwich or toast with mashed avocado, salt, black pepper, and citrus juice. Potential additional ingredients that enhance the flavor are olive oil, hummus. Avocado toast these days, well, it's gone mainstream.
Bahan Membuat Avocado Toast
- 1 slice dark rye multigrain bread.
- 1/2 sdm butter.
- 1/2 buah alpukat (mashed menggunakan garpu).
- 1 sdm madu.
- 1/2 sdt chia seeds.
- Additional.
- 2 butir telur.
- 1 slice keju.
- 1/2 sdm butter.
- 100 gram horenzo.
- 5 buah baby tomatoes.
Langkah Memasak Avocado Toast
- Oleskan butter pada dark rye multigrain bread lalu panggang di oven (175C) selama 10 menit.
- Mashed alpukat menggunakan garpu dengan tingkat kehalusan sesuai selera. Susun alpukat di atas toasted bread, taburi chia seeds dan madu.
- Additional: kocok 2 butir telur, panaskan butter lalu masak telur di api sedang sambil diaduk memutar ke bagian tengah, tambahkan keju sliced lalu diamkan sejenak sampai keju mulai melt, taburi spices sesuai selera. Masukkan horenzo dan baby tomato di teflon yang sama dengan telur sebelumnya, aduk-aduk sampai horenzo mulai layu lalu angkat.
- Avocado toast big breakfast set siap dinikmati 🤗🥑.
Avocado toast is pretty divisive: You either can't get enough of it, or you're totally With a plethora of avocado toast recipes out there—some simple, others more complex—it's easy to wonder if we've. Healthy avocado toast is super easy to make and makes the perfect addition to any breakfast or an Avocado toast has become my new favorite breakfast/snack. It's healthy, simple, and delicious and. I would be a happy camper if I could eat an avocado every single day. Avocado Toast with Fried Egg is made on sourdough, French, or whole grain bread, topped with.
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