Choco Avocado Ice Cream The avocado lends a lovely, appetizing color, and it has the nice aroma of coconut. My mum loves avocados and coconut milk. Since we have an avocado tree and coconut cream on hand, I tried making this fusion ice cream and it's heavenly.

Bahan Membuat Choco Avocado Ice Cream

  1. 2 buah alpuket matang.
  2. secukupnya Es krim coklat alpuket.
  3. Susu kental manis putih.
  4. Susu kental manis coklat.
  5. secukupnya Es Batu.

Langkah Memasak Choco Avocado Ice Cream

  1. Siapkan semua bahan.
  2. Siapkan es batu pada wadah.
  3. Tambahkan susu kental manis.
  4. Selanjutnya potong2 kotak alpuket.
  5. Tambahkan alpuket pada mangkuk.
  6. Kemudian tambahkan es krim choco dan Avocado, siram dengan susu kental manis coklat. Selamat menikmati.

I wouldn't have any recipes on the blog if I let every single mistake get me down! Thank goodness I've developed some resilience and will keep trying until each recipe is. This avocado ice cream is a very easy healthy homemade ice cream that's vegan, paleo-friendly and absolutely tasty. How to make avocado ice cream. There are some simple versions of this recipe that basically use avocados, heavy cream, sugar and lemon juice (to prevent the avocados from.

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