Oreo cheese cake anti gagal Di rumah aja bikin gue iseng bikin ini itu, walaupun ga semuanya berhasil tetapi yang kali ini di jamin anti gagal karena mudah banget bikinnya dan juga. Using an electric mixer, beat together cream cheese and sugar until creamy and well-combined. Once Oreo Cheesecake has finished baking, allow it to cool to room temperature for about an hour before placing in the refrigerator to.

Bahan Membuat Oreo cheese cake anti gagal

  1. 1 bks oreo.
  2. 1 bks SKM.
  3. 1 bks susu bubuk.
  4. 250 ml air.
  5. 35 gr keju parut.
  6. 1.5 sdm maizena.

Langkah Memasak Oreo cheese cake anti gagal

  1. Pisahkan cream oreo (bagian tengah oreo) bagian yg coklat tempatkan di wadah yg lain dan hancurkan..
  2. Siapkan panci & masukan air,skm, susu, cream oreo msak dg api kecil sambil diaduk..
  3. Setelah bbrp menit masukan maizena lalu aduk cpt biar nggk menggumpal. Masak sampai meletup-letup.
  4. Siapkan cup dn isi dg oreo yg sdh dihancurkan, lalu timpa atasnya dg adonan yg dimasak hingga mendidih..
  5. Taburi dg keju sbg toping. Masukan freezer dulu sktr 15menit dn siap disantap.

Put some cream cheese in a bowl and break it with a spatula. These Mini Oreo Cheesecake Cupcakes are a mouthwatering dessert with soft and creamy cheesecake and a hidden oreo on the bottom. Best of all, they're easy to make with only six ingredients and versatile enough for parties, birthdays, game day and holidays. Almond Ricotta Cake This Almond Ricotta Cake recipe is a traditional Italian dessert that's great served with a espresso, tea, or coffee. Resep Martabak Manis Teflon Anti Gagal Spesial Rumahan.

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