Dessert Avocado Dates #jsr Featuring Chocolate Avocado Brownies, Avocado Fudge, Chocolate Avocado Pudding and Mint Chip Avocado Ice Cream. Four avocado desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth and bring some nutrition to your plate. There are thousands of reasons why you should be eating more avocado desserts.

Bahan Membuat Dessert Avocado Dates #jsr

  1. 1 buah Alpukat sedang.
  2. 3 butir kurma khalas.
  3. 1 sdt kecil chia seed.
  4. 2 sdm madu.
  5. Secubit garam Himalaya.

Langkah Memasak Dessert Avocado Dates #jsr

  1. Bismillah, siapkan semua bahannya...
  2. Kerok buah alpukat dgn sendok.
  3. Cubit-cubit buah kurma hingga terkoyak-koyak kecil.
  4. Tabur 1 sdt kecil chiaa seed.
  5. Siram 2 sdm madu sebagai topping nya.
  6. Alhamdulillah jadi deh..siap di santap.., sebaiknya di jadikan sarapan di pagi hari sebelum kita makan apapun. Selamat mencoba Moms...

This sinfully healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse is rich and so silky smooth… and you really The idea of avocado chocolate mousse has been popular on the health food scene for years, but some of. Avocado Desserts aims to become the reference for healthy desserts. "Avocado is nature's cleansing super fruit. It's the perfect addition to any rich and creamy dessert Add chopped dates and salt and process until it combined. Step two: Press almond coconut crusts. View our avocado dessert recipes for year-round healthy alternatives to basic desserts, and Avocado Dessert Recipes.

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