Avocado icecream Whip the cream in another large bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed. This avocado ice cream recipe is smooth, rich and creamy. The avocados give it a beautiful light green color and the butteriness of the fruit balances out the sweetness of the sweetened condensed milk.

Bahan Membuat Avocado icecream

  1. 400 gr daging alpukat.
  2. 70 gr whipcream.
  3. 2-3 sdm gula aren, bs gula putih (sy gak punya gula putih 🤭).
  4. 250 ml susu kedelai, (bs ganti susu fullcream).

Langkah Memasak Avocado icecream

  1. Kupas alpukat, masukkan ke blender.
  2. Tambahkan whipcream, gula, dan susu. Blender hingga smooth.
  3. Pindahkan ke loyang (sy pake loyang kaca). Hentak2kan sampai permukaan rata. Tutup dg plastik wrapping agar tidak terkontaminasi bahan makanan lainnya di dlm freezer..
  4. Simpan ke freezer selama minimal 8 jam. Sajikan dg topping sesuai selera...❤.

It's telling me it needs to be devoured ASAP because I (too) am freaking hot. Im in FL, so I feel your pain! p.s. sorry you lost that apartment :( Im sure you will find another equally fabulous one (fingers crossed) P.s.s. photos look great! Avocado Ice Cream is creamy, delicious and the perfect treat for hot summer days. It's so easy to make, no ice cream maker needed! Guys, do I have something delicious for you!

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