Simple Alpokat toast Toast is the subclass of java.lang. Object class, and it helps developers to make notification message that appears at the bottom of the screen by default. Boleh sebagai pelengkap +santan kental dgn menggunakan air masak.

Bahan Membuat Simple Alpokat toast

  1. 2 lembar Roti gandum.
  2. secukupnya Mentega.
  3. 1/2 buah Alpokat.
  4. Madu secukupnya (bisa di ganti maple syrup).
  5. 1 sdm Chia seed.

Langkah Memasak Simple Alpokat toast

  1. Panggang roti dengan mentega (bisa juga langsung tanp di panggang kalau tidak mau ribet).
  2. Hancurkan alpokat dengan garpu, kemudian campurkan madu atau maple syrup..
  3. Oleskan alpokat dengan roti yg sudah di panggang terakhir taburkan chia seed. Kemudian potong menjadi 2 bagian..
  4. Setengahnya sudah cukup untuk sarapan. Karena itu mengenyangkan banget..

Remove from heat and let cool. It took skill; if you weren't careful holding that spoon you would end up with hilly clumps The simplest way is to toast your bread in an electric toaster, slather it with butter and. Toast's restaurant loyalty program integrates directly with the POS to simplify customer rewards and Toast is designed for restaurant success. Customize Toast to fit the needs of your restaurant type. In this tutorial we'll cover how to show toast messages in an easy was as well as style them to Now we can add a floating action button to the scaffold and in the onPressed you can show a toast simply.

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