Brownis avocado (cokolatos) This easy, healthy brownie recipe is made from wholesome ingredients and the entire recipe. Vegan and delicious, this recipe for chocolate avocado brownies is prepared with healthy fats and doesn't include dairy or eggs. Fudgy, fantastic avocado brownies made with rich dark chocolate and avocado instead of butter.

Bahan Membuat Brownis avocado (cokolatos)

  1. 1 butir telur.
  2. 1 sdt soda kue.
  3. 1 saset cokolatos coklat.
  4. 2 sdm gula pasir.
  5. 3 sdm tepung terigu.
  6. 3 sdm minyak goreng.
  7. 4 sdm air panas.
  8. 1 buah alpukat.
  9. 200 gram coklat batangan.
  10. 1 sdm margarin.

Langkah Memasak Brownis avocado (cokolatos)

  1. Siapakan wadah, lalu masukan telur, gula pasir, cokolatos lalu kocok lepas sampai rata.
  2. Lalu masukan soda kue, tepung terigu lalu aduk kembali sampai rata.
  3. Lalu masukan minyak goreng dan air lalu aduk kembali.
  4. Lalu kukus kira2 15 menit sampai matang, lalu angkat.
  5. Lalu beri toping alpukat (alpukatnya sudah di haluskan ya, kalo suka manis boleh tambahin gula kalo engga juga gpp udah enak).
  6. Lalu masukan coklat lumernya (stem coklat sampai cair lalu beri margarin).
  7. Siap di sajikan (lebih enak kalo di masukan kulkas dulu).

And I do this thing… this thing that consists of me buying many, many avocados at. These keto avocado brownies are delicious and packed with healthy fats, using the avocado as Keyword avocado brownies, keto avocado brownies, lowcarb brownies. Combine the mashed avocado, peanut butter, cocoa powder, honey, vanilla, and salt in a medium-size mixing. Flourless Keto Avocado Chocolate Brownies (Dairy-Free + Paleo + Gluten-Free) with VIDEO is an easy recipe for low-carb brownies that are free of refined sugar. Easy to make Chocolate Avocado Brownies recipe that is incredibly fudgy and packed with healthy fats.

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