Oreo cheese cake no baked This No Bake Oreo Cheesecake is the ultimate cookies and cream dessert. With a crunchy Oreo crust and a creamy cheesecake filling, it's so easy to make! You don't even need to turn the oven on.

Bahan Membuat Oreo cheese cake no baked

  1. Oreo.
  2. 15 oreo.
  3. 2 sdm margarin (dilelehkan).
  4. 1/2 sdm gula.
  5. Filled.
  6. 60 gr cream cheese (resep sudah ada saya upload).
  7. 100 gr heavy cream.
  8. 6 pcs oreo.
  9. 2 sdm gula halus.

Langkah Memasak Oreo cheese cake no baked

  1. Pertama-tama pisahkan 15 oreo dengan bagian tengahnya, lalu haluskan..
  2. Masukkan 1/2sdm gula, dan margarin yg telah dilelehkan (pastikan margarin sudah dingin). Aduk hingga merata lalu pindah ke wadah yg akan digunakan, lalu masukkan kulkas selama +-30menit..
  3. Sambil menunggu hingga oreo nya kokoh. Buat filled nya dengan mencampurkan heavy cream, cream cheese, bagian tengah oreo dan 6 oreo utuh yg sedikit diremuk. Aduk hingga rata.
  4. Jika oreo sudah 30menit atau sudah kokoh. Masukkan filled diatas oreo. Lalu masukkan kulkas lagi +-1jam..
  5. Jika oreo yg sudah di beri filled tadi telah kokoh, keluarkan dari kulkas lalu hias..
  6. Oreo cheese cake siap disajikan~.

Summer is all about easy, cool recipes. Living in Arizona, we are always looking for delicious recipes that are. The Oreo crust is filled with no-bake white chocolate cheesecake and loaded with Oreo cookies. I'm sure you've seen a No-Bake Oreo Cheesecakes before, but what makes mine a bit different is the white chocolate that's mixed in the no-bake cheesecake base. Summers belong to the easy, classic no-bake cheesecake!

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