28. Oreo cheese cake This creamy Oreo cheesecake is chock full of those delicious cookies, covered in a beautiful swirled chocolate ganache and crowned. Bakes up so creamy, and it's loaded with tons of crunchy This Oreo cheesecake has it in spades, with a dark chocolate-y cookie crust. Cheesecake and Oreos are both delicious.

Bahan Membuat 28. Oreo cheese cake

  1. 1 blok keju chedar.
  2. 1 1/2 bungkus oreo.
  3. 500 ml uht.
  4. 2 bks skm (campur dengan sedikit air).
  5. 2 sdm meizena (larutkan dengan sedikit air).
  6. Secukupnya gula, garam (optional, aku ga pake krn udah pas).

Langkah Memasak 28. Oreo cheese cake

  1. Siapkan bahan.
  2. Parut keju, tambahkan isian oreo, skm dan uht. Aduk rata Masak hingga mendidih.
  3. Sambil tunggu mendidih haluskan biskuit oreo..
  4. Jika sudah mendidih tambahkan meizena. Aduk hingga mengental (tmbahkan larutan meizena jika dirasa kurang kental) Angkat dan tuang ke dalam wadah lalu taburi oreo, tuang lagi dan taburi lagi..
  5. Oreo cheese cake siap dinikmati. Sajikan dingin lebih nikmat..

An OREO Cookie crust adds a chocolate flavor dimension to this classic, creamy vanilla cheesecake. You'll love this easy No Bake Oreo Cheesecake recipe! Made with an Oreo crust and a simple cheesecake filling that's packed with Oreo crumbs & chunks of Oreo! Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust, cheesecake filling, and chocolate ganache topping. A simple recipe with step by step photos and a video that anyone can make!

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