Cheese cake oreo Make it ahead of time for an easy final course. Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust, cheesecake filling, and chocolate ganache topping. A simple recipe with step by step photos and a video that anyone can make!

Bahan Membuat Cheese cake oreo

  1. 1 bungkus oreo.
  2. 500 ml susu UHT.
  3. 1 kotak keju.
  4. 1 sdm tepung maezena.
  5. 1 sachet SKM.
  6. secukupnya Selai strawberry.

Langkah Memasak Cheese cake oreo

  1. Pisahkan oreo sama cream nya, lalu haluskan biskuit nya saja.
  2. Parut semua keju, taro di panci, tambahkan cream oreo dan SKM yg sdh di kasih air kurang lbh 50ml,tambahkan susu UHT masak dgn api sedang sampe keju larut, lalu tambah kan maezena yg sdh di larutkan. Masak sampe bahan cheese mengental.
  3. Siapkan wadah atau gelas, tambahkan bubuk biskuit oreo 1sdm, lanjut dgn bahan cream cheese nya, lalu kasih selai strawberry, lanjut lagi dgn bubuk biskuit oreo, lakukan sampai adonan habis ya.. O iya, untuk menuangkan kan cream cheese nya, tunggu agak hangat dulu ya.. Jadi gak pas panas2 di tuang di gelas๐Ÿ˜Š klo sdh baru masukan freezer, saya buat semalam kurang lbh 8jam sdh agak mengeras,jgn lama2 di freezer nanti jadi beku ๐Ÿ˜‰.

You'll love this easy No Bake Oreo Cheesecake recipe! Made with an Oreo crust and a simple cheesecake filling that's packed with Oreo crumbs & chunks of Oreo! Oreo cheesecake bars are a decadent dessert that will win you over with the first bite! If you love the cookies and creme flavor, you will love these! Oreo & Nutella Cheesecakes - The Londoner.

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