Egyptfood with hummus Enjoy the Egyptian cuisine, taste You might, for instance, find that hummus can be flavored with cumin or mixed with Egypt food is an extreme vegetarian and vegan friendly place for those who follow a strict diet. Fast Food Restaurant in Cairo, Egypt. Typical Egyptian food, dishes & delicacies.

Bahan Membuat Egyptfood with hummus

  1. 100 gram kacang hummus/kacang arab.
  2. 3 sdm tahina/tahini.
  3. 1 buah lemon jus.
  4. 2 siung Bawang putih.
  5. 1/2 sdt jinten bubuk.
  6. secukupnya garam.
  7. 6 sdm Minyak zaitun / olive oil.
  8. secukupnya air.

Langkah Memasak Egyptfood with hummus

  1. Rebus kacang hummus"setelah di rendam semalaman"(karna saya pekenya kacang yg kering) kalau pake yang kalengan bisa langsung di olah tanpa harus di rebus. Setelah kacang lunak lalu tiriskan..
  2. Masukkan kacang ke dalam foodpresessor/blender bersama bahan2 yang lain (lemon jus, tahini, garam, jinten bubuk, minyak zaitun, dan air) blender hingga halus dan berbentuk pasta..
  3. Setelah halus lalu sajiakan di piring saji, dan siram atasnya dengan sedikit minyak zaitun /olive oil..

When you come to Egypt you should have to try different types of Egyptian food because of the It's a cream of roasted eggplant, olive oil, garlic, sesame paste (tahini) and lemon, very similar in texture to hummus, which like. In Egypt, hummus is often flavoured with cumin. Our hummus recipes will get you started. Hummus is so easy to make that you really shouldn't have to buy a plastic pot of it. The basic hummus has four ingredients: chickpeas, tahini (pounded sesame seeds).

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