Hummus How To Make Smooth Hummus from Scratch. In the past, if we were in the grocery store you. Our hummus is like infinity times better than theirs.

Bahan Membuat Hummus

  1. 1 cangkir kacang hummus..gambar ad dibawah.
  2. 2 cangkir air untuk merendam.
  3. Air untuk dipresto.
  4. 2 centong sayur tahina, bisa lebih...gambar ad dibawah.
  5. Garem secukupnya..

Langkah Memasak Hummus

  1. Cuci kacang..rendam dgn air 2 cangkir..minimal 12jam..kalo mau hasil lbh maksimal rendam 1hari 1malam...
  2. Ini bentuk kacangnya...
  3. Tiriskan..preato kurleb 15 mnt.
  4. Blender alus.
  5. Campur dgn tahina..bumbui garam..koreksi rasa...
  6. Cocol roti.
  7. Yummy.. 😙😙😙.

The basic hummus has four ingredients: chickpeas, tahini (pounded sesame seeds), garlic and lemon juice. Hummus is a delicious Lebanese dip. It's usually eaten on pita bread any time of the day, with any meal. It's made with chick peas, garlic, lemon juice, and salt. For even smoother hummus: If you love super-smooth hummus, it's also worth taking the time to For even smoother hummus, I increased the processing time to five minutes and thinned the dip with. hommos, hommus, hoummos, hoummous, houmous, houmus, humus.

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