Fresh Hummus with Israeli Salad ✨ (Middle East Food) So everyone knows that in Israel, hummus flows almost as freely as water. but there's way more to Israeli food than that! This is a recipe for homemade Israeli hummus, a vegan Middle Eastern dip made with dried chickpeas, tahini, lemon, and garlic, plus additional topping suggestions. Or, take a cue from Israel's famous hotel breakfast spreads, and start your day with a pita stuffed with hummus and Israeli salad.

Bahan Membuat Fresh Hummus with Israeli Salad ✨ (Middle East Food)

  1. Hummus.
  2. 100 gr kacang arab/chickpeas.
  3. 2 sdm jinten.
  4. 7 sdm olive oil (atau secukupnya).
  5. 1 bh lemon.
  6. 3 sdm tahini (atau bisa pakai roasted sesame dressing kewpie).
  7. Parsley (secukupnya).
  8. 2 sdm bubuk cabai (atau secukupnya).
  9. Israeli Salad.
  10. 1 bh zucchini/ timun jepang.
  11. 1/2 bh paprika.
  12. 1 bh tomat merah.
  13. 1/2 buah apel.
  14. 2 siung bawang merah.
  15. 1/2 bh bawang bombay.
  16. 1 bh lemon (diperas).
  17. 2 sdm madu (atau bisa pakai gula).
  18. 1 sdm garam (atau secukupnya).
  19. 4 sdm olive oil (atau secukupnya).

Langkah Memasak Fresh Hummus with Israeli Salad ✨ (Middle East Food)

  1. Rendam kacang arab semalaman di baskom berisi air, diamkan di dlm kulkas sampai size nya berubah lebih besar. Besoknya tiriskan, lalu rebus kacang tsb sampai mendidih & matang..
  2. Masukan seluruh bahan untuk membuat hummus ke dalam food processor/ blender. Blender sampai halus, lalu beri tambahan parsley & bubuk cabai sbg hiasan. Bisa tambahkan olive oil bila kurang..
  3. Untuk israeli salad. Potong zucchini, tomat, apel, bawang bombay, bawang merah & paprika kecil2 seperti dadu. Masukan ke dalam mangkok, tambahkan madu, garam secukupnya, perasan air lemon, serta olive oil, bisa juga tambahkan air secukupnya bila mau. Aduk sampai rata & berasa. Bisa tambahkan daun mint/ parsley sesuai selera..
  4. Tambahkan roti pita/roti lebanon (saya beli di lulu supermarket) untuk menyantap hummus serta israeli salad. Untuk saladnya bisa juga disajikan diatas hummus dan tinggal dicocol oleh roti pita 😃.

Want to know what I love about an Israeli Salad? The produce-packed first-course dishes called salatim are summertime on a plate. The restaurant is Zahav, and the nation of immigrants is not our own, but Israel. A simple authentic Israeli Salad Recipe bursting w/ Middle Eastern flavors! Or just spoon it into warm, toasty pita bread (my favorite) with a smear of tahini sauce, baba ganoush or hummus for a light A refreshing Middle Eastern chopped salad, called Israeli Salad, that is healthy, vegan and.

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