Hummus cauliflower sedap See a full list of ingredients and how to prepare this recipe step by step. Cauliflower Hummus: If you haven't hopped on the cauliflower flavor train yet, I suggest you start with cauliflower hummus. It's easy to make, delicious, and a perfect paleo snack that won't weigh you.

Bahan Membuat Hummus cauliflower sedap

  1. 1 kg cauliflower.
  2. 1 siung bawang putih.
  3. sejumput Seesalt.
  4. 1 sdm Lemon juice.
  5. 1 1/2 sdm Thahini.
  6. 1 sdt merica hitam.
  7. 1/2 teh jintan.
  8. 100 ml oliv oil.

Langkah Memasak Hummus cauliflower sedap

  1. Cauliflower cuci Dan tiriskan lalu potong dadu dan beri satu sendok oliv oil Dan garam sedikit Dan gaul bawang putih kupas campurkan Dan bake di oven selama 15,20 menit, setelah masak angkat dan dinginkan lalu blender dengan oliv oil Dan thahini, jintan ladahitam garam Dan lemon juice. Siap di hidangkan,,baut makan timun ataupun wortel..Silahkan di coba.

As the cauliflower roasts the hummus gets nice and crispy and the flavours are amazing! Cauliflower Hummus Tartine: Cauliflower hummus makes a grown-up condiment for a splendid Mediterranean-style, open-faced sandwich. Cauliflower Hummus — a popular creamy dip made with cooked mashed chickpeas and cauliflower. Hummus is a perfect accompaniment for Doritos, Felafel, Grilled Chicken, Grilled Vegetables. Cauliflower Hummus recipe: A delicious hummus style Cauliflower dip that is low carb, vegan, and gluten free.

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