Japanese Cheese Cake (White Chocolate) The resulting cake is the moistest sponge I've ever tasted. I also created two flavor tweaks to the recipe: chocolate and. Try this Japanese Cheesecake / cotton cheesecake recipe for a pillowy soft, light & heavenly cheesecake you will ever make.

Bahan Membuat Japanese Cheese Cake (White Chocolate)

  1. Bahan 1:.
  2. 125 gr cream cheese.
  3. 80 gr white cooking chocolate.
  4. 30 ml susu cair.
  5. 3 bh kuning telur.
  6. 20 gr terigu kunci.
  7. 10 gr tepung maizena.
  8. Bahan 2:.
  9. 3 bh putih telur.
  10. 1/4 sdt cream of tartar.
  11. 1/4 sdt garam.

Langkah Memasak Japanese Cheese Cake (White Chocolate)

  1. PERSIAPAN: Siapkan loyang lonjong khusus cheese cake/ loyang bulat 20 cm. Usahakan tanpa sambungan. Kalo ada sambungan, lapis aluminium foil 3x. Lebih mudah dgn loyang khusus bongkar pasang (springform) spt yg sy pakai. Lapis dgn kertas baking bagian dasar+sekeliling. Siapkan loyang kedua (lebih besar) berisi air panas setinggi 1 cm. Ini digunakan utk memanggang metode au bain marie/water bath. Panaskan oven 150 C..
  2. BAHAN 1: Tim dgn metode double boiler: cream cheese+white chocolate+susu cair. Aduk terus dgn whisk sampai tercampur rata. Setelah tidak panas, masukan kuning telor satu persatu lalu aduk cepat hingga rata. Terakhir masukan maizena+terigu (sambil ayak). Aduk rata, sisihkan.
  3. BAHAN 2: Kocok putih telor+garam+cream of tartar, masukan gula bertahap. Mixer hingga mengembang/soft peak..
  4. Tuang putih telor bertahap 3x ke adonan cheese. Aduk sistem lipat sampai halus rata. Tuang ke loyang. Lalu panggang dgn metode au bain marie selama 60 menit (panas 150C)..
  5. Setelah matang, diamkan 15 menit di dalam oven (biar gk kempes krn perubahan suhu). Setelah tidak panas, keluarkan dr loyang. Simpan di kulkas minimal 3 jam. Sajikan dingin. Voilaaa...Japanese Cheese Cake (White Chocolate) is ready! 😘.

View top rated Japanese cheese cake recipes with ratings and reviews. Japanese Cheese Cake: The basic Recipe, Chocolate Cheese Cake, Baked Tofu Cheese Cake, etc. Japanese Cheese Cake: The basic Recipe, ingredients: Cream cheese (philadelphia style. Have you tried Japanese cheesecake before? Japanese cheesecake is pillowy soft, with cottony texture and soufflé like crumbs.

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