Japanese Cheese Cake It is cotton soft, light, fluffy and the one of the best cheesecakes I have ever tasted. Try this Japanese Cheesecake / cotton cheesecake recipe for a pillowy soft, light & heavenly cheesecake you will ever make. My Japanese Cheesecake Recipe has the same cotton-soft sweetness and jiggly nature - now simplified from the usual complex methods of other recipes.

Bahan Membuat Japanese Cheese Cake

  1. Bahan A :.
  2. 250 gr cream cheese.
  3. 50 gr butter (saya : Golden Churn).
  4. 120 ml susu cair (saya : ultra milk).
  5. Bahan B.
  6. 6 kuning telur segar.
  7. Bahan C.
  8. 60 gr tepung terigu kunci.
  9. 20 gr maizena.
  10. Bahan D.
  11. 6 putih telur segar.
  12. 1 sdm jeruk nipis.
  13. 140 gr gula pasir.

Langkah Memasak Japanese Cheese Cake

  1. Bahan A dimasak dengan api kecil, aduk dengan whisk sampai mencair dan rata. Jangan sampai mendidih. Matikan kompor. biarkan sebentar sampai menjadi hangat..
  2. Masukan bahan B ke bahan A, aduk sampai rata..
  3. Ayak bahan C dan masukan ke campuran bahan B, aduk perlahan sampai adonan rata..
  4. Mixer putih telur sampai berbusa lalu masukan air jeruk nipis dan gula pasir secara bertahap (3 kali), mixer adonan sampai softpeak..
  5. Masukkan Adonan D ke adonan C secara bertahap (3 kali) aduk balik sampai rata.
  6. Masukkan adonan kedalam loyang (saya loyang bulat ukuran 20) yg sudah dialasi kertas roti plus alumunium foil dibawahnya..takut air rembesan mom. panggang dengan cara au bain marie selama 90 menit dalam suhu 150'C sampai matang.
  7. After 90 menit...tadaaaaaa..mulussss..itu lubang kecil akibat banyak aku test tusuk..wkwkwkw,pemula jd rada parno ini cake udah Mateng atau belum😁.
  8. Dinginkan siap dipotong2...moist dan enak bgt Moms😘😘😘.

Japanese cheesecake is pillowy soft, with cottony texture and soufflé like crumbs. When it is fresh from the oven, the cake is so soft. Also called Cotton Cheesecake, Japanese Cheesecake is light, fluffy, moist and less sweet than any other cheesecakes. And it is not difficult to make. Well, Japanese Cheesecake is a cross between the more traditional dense cream cheese cheesecakes (like a New York Cheesecake) and a chiffon or sponge cake.

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