Cheese Cake Oreo Simple No Baked Cream cheese and cream whipped with Crushed Oreos, on a buttery Oreo biscuit cookie base. Oreo cheesecake recipe with chocolate-vanilla cream cheese filling, finished with thick layer of ganache, as simple. flavors ,the cheesecake will still turn out perfect. Let's get to the recipe and make the most delicious , light and creamy no bake Oreo cheesecake !

Bahan Membuat Cheese Cake Oreo Simple No Baked

  1. Bahan :.
  2. 75 gr keju cheddar kraft.
  3. 3 sachet real good sweet chesee kemasan 125 ml.
  4. 40 gr susu bubuk.
  5. 3 sdm tepung maizena larutkan dg air.
  6. 50 ml air.
  7. 1 sachet susu kental manis putih.
  8. 1 bks besar oreo haluskan tanpa cream nya.

Langkah Memasak Cheese Cake Oreo Simple No Baked

  1. Campurkan ke dalam panci susu, air, susu bubuk, susu kental manis dan keju yg di parut sisakan sdkt utk hiasan, aduk hingga rata lalu masak di atas api kecil.
  2. Setelah sdkt mengeluarkan uap masukkan tepung maizena yg sdh dilarutkan dg air, aduk trs jgn smp menggumpal dan angkat setelah adonan meletup-letup.
  3. Masukkan dalam gelas susun adonan dan beri oreo yg sdh dihaluskan sedemikian rupa smp adonan dan oreo habis.
  4. Hias dg kaju atau sesuai selera bisa ditambah choco cips atau yg lainnya.
  5. Tunggu dingin lalu masukkan dalam freezer sekitar 1-2 jam, sajikan 🍰🤤.
  6. (note : yg suka manis boleh tambah gula 2-3 sdm, karena oreo nya sdh manis dan sy gak sbrp suka manis" jadi saya gak pake gula) Selamat mencoba 😁.
  7. So so so soft rasanya melting bgt 👍🏻👍🏻.

Don't you just love making something simple. Summers belong to the easy, classic no-bake cheesecake! Or at least around here they do. They are so simple, easy, and the fact that no oven is required makes it the perfect hot weather dessert. This simple Oreo cheesecake recipe requires minimal ingredients, but has great results.

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