Cheese Cake teflon simple In a medium bowl, combine cream cheese, egg yolk, and pancake mix, whisk using a hand mixer until fully combined. Add heavy cream in two parts, whisking well in between. See more ideas about Cheesecake recipes, Cheesecake, Dessert recipes.

Bahan Membuat Cheese Cake teflon simple

  1. 1/2 gelas terigu.
  2. 2 butir telur.
  3. 6 sdm gula putih.
  4. 3 sdm mentega (cairkan).
  5. 50 gr keju kraft lalu parut atau sesuai selera.
  6. 2 sdm milo bubuk (boleh di skip).

Langkah Memasak Cheese Cake teflon simple

  1. Kocok atau menggunakan mixer gula putih dan telur hingga putih.
  2. Setelah adonan telur mengembang atau putih masukan terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus di aduk.
  3. Tuangkan mentega cair.
  4. Tuangkan keju parut.
  5. Tuangkan milo, lalu aduk rata hingga tercampur.
  6. Tuangkan ke teflon dan tutup (bisa olesi mentega terlebih dahulu ke teflon, kalau saya nggak soalnya kan anti lengket).
  7. Masak dengan api kecil di kompor sekitar 10menit atau periksa saja soalnya cepet mateng.
  8. Angkat setelah matang harum keju nya menyebar enak banget hehe :D.
  9. Iris sesuai selera taburi keju parut di atas nya dan juga susu coklat.
  10. Dan siap dinikmati menemani sore anda :).

This cake is like banana bread meets vanilla cake, then it's smothered in a rich cream cheese frosting and of course it's finished of with some chopped pecans. Prepare Simple Cream Cheese Frosting according to directions listed, set aside. In a large mug, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder. Excited to finally share one of the most requested for recipes- Japanese Cheesecake that is super light and fluffy just like cotton! Japanese Cheesecake Recipe (Soufflé Cheesecake) with seven simple steps.

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