Cotton Soft Japanese Cheese Cake The cream cheese and butter should be soft and spreadable for this recipe. If the ingredients are not quite ready, pop them in the. This crustless cheesecake is easy to make and won't weigh you down.

Bahan Membuat Cotton Soft Japanese Cheese Cake

  1. Bahan Meringue/Putih Telur:.
  2. 3 btr Putih Telur.
  3. 1/4 sdt cuka putih/1/4 sdt perasan jeruk nipis/1/4 sdt cream tar2(saya pakai cuka).
  4. 70 gr Gula Halus.
  5. Bahan Yolks/pasta kuning telor:.
  6. 3 btr Kuning Telor.
  7. 25 gr Butter.
  8. 125 gr CreamCheese(saya pakai Philadelphia).
  9. 50 ml Susu Cair plain.
  10. 30 gr Terigu(saya pakai robinhood yang untuk cake&pastry).
  11. 10 gr Maizena.
  12. 1/8 sdt Garam.

Langkah Memasak Cotton Soft Japanese Cheese Cake

  1. Lelehkan Creamcheese+susu+butter dlm double boiler sampai haluss,diamkan sampe adem..
  2. Masukkan kuning telur,aduk dgn whisk sampe menyatu,tambahkan (ayak)tepung kunci+maizena di atasnya,aduk lagi smpe rata (jgn aduk berlebihan ya) Kalo masi bergerindil saring aja ;) -sisihkan.
  3. Meringue/putih telor: Kocok putih telur dan gula pasir sampe soft peak aja.. aduk rata bersama cuka.
  4. Masukkan adonan putih telor ke kuning telor,bertahap 3x ya aduk dgn spatula lembut aja;).
  5. Panggang di suhu 160 drajat aku skitar 1 jam dgn teknik Au Bain Marie(loyang utama dilapisil loyang lain yang lebi besar,dikasi air skitar 1.5cm aja,tujuan spy cheesecake ga mudah gosong+lembab).
  6. Kalo uda mateng,biarkan cake di dalem oven,pintu oven dbuka sedikit. Tujuannya apa?perubahan suhu yg drastis bs bkin cheesecake ini sukses mengkerut ;) Maybe kira2 10-15 menitan...

Japanese Cheesecake has the tangy, creamy flavor of cheesecake, with the moist, cotton-soft texture of soufflé. Watch How To Make Japanese Cheesecake. Light and fluffy, Japanese Cheesecake is a delicious gift for a real cheesecake lover. Cotton Soft Japanese Cheesecake : Japanese Cotton Cheesecake (日式轻乳酪蛋糕)is a delicate and moist cake. The velvety smooth, creamy, as well as the fluffy texture makes this kind of cheesecake stand out of crowd.

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