Banana cheese cake (no mixer, no oven, takaran sendok) Basically this No Oven Mango Cake is really fun to make because its recipe doesn't need a lot of neurons to understand and. Banana Pudding Cheesecake is a combo of my two most favorite classic desserts! Real bananas and vanilla cookies fill the creamy cheesecake!

Bahan Membuat Banana cheese cake (no mixer, no oven, takaran sendok)

  1. 4 buah pisang.
  2. 2 buah telur.
  3. 4 sdm gula pasir.
  4. 6 sdm tepung terigu.
  5. 6 sdm minyak sayur.
  6. 1 sdt baking soda.
  7. 1/2 sdt garam.
  8. Keju (sesuai selera).

Langkah Memasak Banana cheese cake (no mixer, no oven, takaran sendok)

  1. Lumatkan pisang dengan garpu atau blender tp jangan terlalu halus ya, biar ada teksturnya, lalu sisihkan..
  2. Kocok telur dan gula pakai garpu biar gampang atau kalo punya pake wisk, aduk sampai gulanya larut.
  3. Masukan minyak ke dalam adonan, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Masukan terigu, garam, baking soda sambil di ayak.
  5. Terakhir, masukan pisang yang telah di lumatkan ke dalam adonan, aduk hingga rata.
  6. Siapkan loyang, oles minyak agar tidak lengket.
  7. Masukan adonan + keju (dipotong dadu).
  8. Kukus ±25menit.

Finally, put/pour the cake into the oven. Would you like me to boil/melt you an egg for your breakfast? Melt/Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl. No oven is necessary for these cool and creamy This baked Denver omelet is really a frittata with ham, bell pepper, onion, and Cheddar cheese -- all And bananas are sliced instead of mashed in this recipe, giving a concentrated banana taste in every bite. No-Bake Cheesecake (or mini cheesecakes!) Banana Cream Pie.

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