Cheese cake simple #MomenManis Add coco powder or other flavor to the mix. Put all ingredients, except pie shell, in blender or food processor and process until. Aero Cheesecake Low Carb Cheesecake Cheesecake Recipes Mint Chocolate Cheesecake Birthday Cheesecake Baileys Cheesecake No Bake Desserts Delicious Desserts Dessert Recipes.

Bahan Membuat Cheese cake simple #MomenManis

  1. Bahan A.
  2. 5 lembar roti tawar tanpa pinggiran.
  3. 175 gr keju cheddar.
  4. 1 sdm air lemon.
  5. 100 gr gula pasir ini bisa dikurangi untuk yg g suka manis.
  6. 1 sc nutrijell plan.
  7. 1 butir telur.
  8. 250 ml susu uht full cream.
  9. Bahan B :.
  10. Kue mari regal secukupnya haluskan saya diblender.
  11. 100 gr margarin and butter sya pakai palmia royal butter.
  12. Toping :.
  13. Selai strawberry.

Langkah Memasak Cheese cake simple #MomenManis

  1. Blender semua bahan A hingga halus dan tercampur rata. Bila tidak suka terlalu manis gula bisa dikurangi sesuai selera ya..
  2. Bahan B: lelehkan margarin and butter lalu campurkan dengan marie regal yg sudah di haluskan. Setelah itu ratakan di atas loyang yang sudah di olesi margarin dengan ditekan-tekan biar padat..
  3. Masukan adonan A yg telah di blender di atas loyang yg sudah berisi bahan B..
  4. Panaskan panci untuk mengukus. Kukus adonan cheese cake selama 30 menit.
  5. Setelah matang diamkan cheese cake sampai dingin sesuai suhu ruangan..
  6. Olesi selai strawberry kalau ada yg lebih berserat. Kalau saya pakai selai seadanya..

Everyone loves the spiced flavour of carrot Use dental floss to cut a cake in half; it works like a cheese wire. But not the mint flavour, of course! If you like simple recipes, or are short of time, why not make a simple chocolate cake? It's delicious, easy to make, and takes less than an hour from start to finish. Making cheesecake in the pressure cooker is THE BEST method.

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