Oreo cheese cake Make it ahead of time for an easy final course. Bakes up so creamy, and it's loaded with tons of And so, today's Oreo cheesecake recipe was made with him in mind. But I have to say, there.

Bahan Membuat Oreo cheese cake

  1. 15 keping Biskuit oreo isi.
  2. 80 gr keju parut.
  3. 500 ml susu cair.
  4. 6 sdm susu kental manis.
  5. 3 sdm gula pasir.
  6. 4 sdm maizena dicairkan dengan 50 ml air.
  7. toping:.
  8. 50 gr keju.

Langkah Memasak Oreo cheese cake

  1. Pisahkan oreo dengan krim nya.Kemudian biscuitnya dihancurkan(aku diblender)..sisihkan.
  2. Masukkan dalam panci,susu cair,keju parut,susu kentalmanis,gula pasir,masak hingga beruap,tambahkan larutan maizena.Aduk aduk hingga mengental.Angkat.
  3. Siapkan wadah,masukkan krim tadi dalam wadah sedikit,kemudian beri biscuit oreo yang sudah dihancurkan,tumpuk dengan krim lagi.Begitu seterusnya,paling atas taburi keju parut,bisa diberi hiasan sesuka hati...
  4. Simpan dalam kulkas kurang lebih 3 jam,siap dinikmati..
  5. Gampang dan yummy...topingnya bisa suka suka...
  6. Susu cairbisa diganti susu bubuk 5 sdm,diberi air hingga 500 ml..
  7. Selamat mencoba🌷🌷🌷🌷.

Cheesecake is our number one, and Oreos are our favorite cookie, so you can only Folding Oreos into the batter turns it a speckly gray color; if you want the cheesecake to. I used Cool Whip but you can certainly use homemade whipped cream. Want a great tip for how to perfectly halve Oreo's? Cheesecake and Oreos are both delicious. When blended together, they make the ultimate cheesecake.

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