🧀Cheese cake simple🧀 My dad makes the best cheese cake in the world! This is his recipe and it uses cream cheese, whipping cream and sour cream! Cake is done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Bahan Membuat 🧀Cheese cake simple🧀

  1. 1 bks nutricake keju.
  2. 1 butir telur.
  3. 100 gr margarine cair.
  4. 6 sdm air putih (seharusnya 5).
  5. secukupnya Keju parut.
  6. secukupnya Messes cokelat.

Langkah Memasak 🧀Cheese cake simple🧀

  1. Kocok lepas telur dg whisk, setelah telur terlihat mengembang, masukan nutricake sedikit demi sedikit, masukan 6 Sdm air (karena klo 5 terlalu keras bagi saya) lalu margarine 100gr margarine cair, aduk hingga semua menyatu sempurna, masukan loyang, taburi keju n messes.
  2. Panggang dg suhu 175 celcius dalam waktu 35 menit,, mudah khaaan Moms 😋.

Take a bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with melted butter and press onto bottom of the pan. The previous cheese tea recipe, I've made with cream cheese block and cream cheese powder. Hence I further develop the Cheese tea recipe, make some adjustments, and came up with this revised version of Cheese Tea recipe with much simpler ingredients but achieving the same flavor outcome! See more ideas about Cheesecake recipes, Cheesecake, Dessert recipes. Knock You Naked Red Velvet Cheesecake!

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