The walnuts sprinkled on top add crunch, but you can leave them off if For frosting, in a large bowl, beat cream cheese and butter until fluffy.
Beat in the confectioners' sugar, cocoa and vanilla until smooth.
Moist carrot cupcakes with a cream cheese and white chocolate frosting.
Bahan Membuat Carrot cheese cake with chocolate & rainbow springkle
- Bahan 1.
- 6 sdm Tepung terigu.
- 1 sdm Tepung maizena.
- 1 bks Susu bubuk.
- 1/4 sdt Vanili bubuk.
- Sejumput garam.
- Bahan 2.
- 2 btr Telur.
- 1/2 sdt SP.
- 4 sdm Gula pasir (saya kurangi kadar gula karna suami ada diabet, kalo suka manis boleh tambahkan gula).
- Bahan 3.
- 100 gr Cheese/keju (saya pake yang easy melt).
- 1 buah Wortel.
- 80 ml Minyak sayur.
- Bahan tambahan.
- Margarin/blueband.
- 1/2 Dark coklat (cairkan).
- Rainbow springkle.
Langkah Memasak Carrot cheese cake with chocolate & rainbow springkle
- Campurkan semua bahan 1 jadi satu lalu di ayak.
- Masukkan bahan yang ke 2 jadi 1 ke dalam wadah lalu mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga menjadi putih mengental & berjejak.
- Setelah itu campurkan bahan 1 kedalam bahan 2 lalu di mixer kecepatan sedang sebentar saja.
- Masukkan bahan ke 3 yaitu keju & wortel yang sudah diparut kedalam adonan lalu aduk rata dengan spatula.
- Oleskan loyang dengan margarain/blueband secara merata lalu masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang & dibanting2 sedikit agar tidak ada gelembung udara di adonan nya. Kemudian panaskan kukusan & kukus cake nya selama kurang lebih 20-30 menit.
- Setelah matang diamkan sebentar agar dingin sedikit lalu tuangkan ke piring untuk dihias.
- Hias kue sesuai selera yah mom π₯°π₯° lalu jadi deh cake nya ππ»ππ»ππ».
A moist and spicy carrot cake cupcake is topped with a cream cheese frosting flavored with a hint of white chocolate and orange. This chocolate carrot cake is as fragrant and spicy as your favorite carrot cake but with a chocolatey twist that no one will guess comes from Betty Crockerβ’ Super Moistβ’ chocolate fudge cake mix. In perfect contrast with this light cake is the rich homemade cream cheese frosting. Carrot Apple Cheesecake Blondies is simple and easy recipe for delicious blondie bars infused with carrots and apples for flavor, natural sweetness and incredible moisture. Now for my upcoming birthday, I want to bake your carrot cake with your cream cheese frosting.
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