Burrito scramble eggs Place the scrambled eggs in the center of the flour tortilla, and top with cheese and salsa. You have a lot of options for choosing eggs for your breakfast burrito. Top flour tortillas with scrambled eggs, cheese, chopped tomato, and your favorite chunky salsa for Southwestern-style breakfast burritos.

Bahan Membuat Burrito scramble eggs

  1. 2 lembar burrito tortillas.
  2. 3 butir telor.
  3. 2 sdm kotnet sapi.
  4. 6 lembar selada.
  5. Secukupnya garam.
  6. Secukupnya merica.
  7. Secukupnya keju cheddar/mozarella.
  8. 3 sdm susu UHT.
  9. 1 sdm unsalted butter.

Langkah Memasak Burrito scramble eggs

  1. Panaskan pan anti lengket dengan api kecil..
  2. Panggang burrito hingga kecoklatan. Sisihkan..
  3. Kocok lepas telur hingga berbuih. Tambahkan susu UHT, garam dan merica. Kocok lagi..
  4. Masukkan kornet kedalam kocokan telur..
  5. Nyalakan api kecil. Masukkan unsalted butter dan kocokan telur kedalam pan anti lengket. Aduk terus hingga telur mulai matang. Lalu matikan api..
  6. Susun selada, potongan keju, scramble egg, mayo, dan saos diatas tortilla. Lalu gulung rapi. Siap disajikan..

When eggs are cooked, remove from oven. Scrambled Eggs Burrito recipe: Try this Scrambled Eggs Burrito recipe, or contribute your own. Add bacon and tomato to eggs and blend well. Whisk eggs and milk together in a bowl. Pour egg mixture, onions, chili powder, and red pepper into a greased pan on medium heat.

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