Shrimp Burrito Tortillas Mission Burrito Flour Tortillas have a freshly baked taste and super-soft texture that makes them the perfect addition to any of your favorite recipes. Cut tails off shrimp and cut shrimp into pieces. Add whatever extras you would like, such as.

Bahan Membuat Shrimp Burrito Tortillas

  1. Udang panggang bawang lemon ala Australia (resep sblmnya).
  2. Salanova mixed coral.
  3. Burrito Tortillas panggang bentar.
  4. Bahan Mixed Saos :.
  5. 2 sdm mayonais.
  6. 2 sdm saos cabe (qu pke belibis).
  7. 1 sdm sambal asli (qu pke abc).
  8. 1 sdt oregano kering.
  9. 1 sdt air perasan jeruk lemon.

Langkah Memasak Shrimp Burrito Tortillas

  1. Mixed saos : Campur smua bahan saos, aduk rata..
  2. Siapkan semua bahan..
  3. Ambil selembar burrito, taruh mixed coral secukupnya di atasnya, taruh udang secukupnya diatasnya kmd tambahkn mixed saos, lipat sesuai slera kmd semat dg tugi/ tusuk gigi..
  4. .

Meanwhile, grill the shrimp: Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat and coat with cooking spray or brush with oil. Get all the details of our Burrito Flour Tortillas including the ingredients list, full nutrition facts, and where to buy. Chock full of flavor, these tortillas make every meal extra delicious. Homemade tortillas and plenty of shrimp. I will be back again many times.

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