Beef Burrito Photographs and a short how-to video included. This beef burrito is a hearty, healthy alternative to takeaways. It's mostly an assembly job of all your favourites.

Bahan Membuat Beef Burrito

  1. 6 lbr tortilla wraps ukuran sedang.
  2. 300 gr daging sapi, cincang.
  3. 1 sdm unsalted butter.
  4. 1/2 bh bawang bombay, potong dadu.
  5. 2 bh bawang putih, cincang halus.
  6. 1/2 bh paprika ijo, potong dadu.
  7. 1/2 sdt crush blackpepper.
  8. 1/4 sdt jintan bubuk.
  9. 1/4 sdt paprika bubuk/chili powder.
  10. 1/4 sdt campuran oregano+basil.
  11. 2 sdm tomato paste.
  12. secukupnya Garam.
  13. Keju mozarella, parut.
  14. Pelengkap :.
  15. Tortilla chips.
  16. Guacamole sauce.

Langkah Memasak Beef Burrito

  1. Panaskan mentega, tumis semua bahan. Masak hingga daging berubah warna..
  2. Bungkus tumisan daging dgn tortilla wrap. Lakukan sampai seluruh bahan habis..
  3. Susun di pinggan tahan panas/pyrex, lalu taburi dgn mozarella parut. Panggang kurleb 20menit/permukaan burrito terkaramelisasi..
  4. Utk saus guacamole (aslinya ditambah jalapeno) : Ambil setengah buah alpukat, lalu hancurkan. Tambahkan bawang bombay& tomat merah cincang+sedikit garam+air perasan jeruk lemon/jeruk nipis. Aduk rata..

Beef Burritos is a classic Mexican dish, and this recipe was made especially to be kidney-friendly. Place beef, taco sauce or salsa, minced garlic, chopped green onions, diced jalapeño, chili powder, cumin and salt in a. An easy beef burrito recipe with mince. Download Beef burrito stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Ground Beef, peppers and onions are quickly sautéed and wrapped up with scrambled eggs.

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