Cheese Cake Oreo Make it ahead of time for an easy final course. Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust, cheesecake filling, and chocolate ganache topping. A simple recipe with step by step photos and a video that anyone can make!

Bahan Membuat Cheese Cake Oreo

  1. 1 Bgkus Oreo Rasa Coklat Vanila.
  2. 2 SDM Tepung Maizena Cair.
  3. 4 SDM Gula Pasir.
  4. 2 Kotak Susu UHT (Greenfields 125ml).
  5. Secukupnya Keju Parut.

Langkah Memasak Cheese Cake Oreo

  1. Buka bgkus Oreo lalu pisahkan dengan crem'nya,Oreo lalu di hancurkan bisa di blender/di tumbuk yg penting halus..
  2. Nyalakan api kecil,siapkan panci lalu isi bahan Susu UHT,Gula Pasir,Keju Parut,Cream Oreo,trakhir tepung maizena agar mengental sambil diaduk ya bunda.Setelah meletup matikan api..
  3. Tunggu agak dingin lalu cetak dengan selang seling,adonan yg cair/Oreo yg sudah di hancurkan halus,lalu yg trakhir bisa toping keju sesuai selera ya bunda😊.
  4. Bisa langsung di simpan di freezer klo sdh tdk panas,siap di hidangkan setelah beku seperti es cream tambah nikmat..

You'll love this easy No Bake Oreo Cheesecake recipe! Made with an Oreo crust and a simple cheesecake filling that's packed with Oreo crumbs & chunks of Oreo! Oreo cheesecake bars are a decadent dessert that will win you over with the first bite! If you love the cookies and creme flavor, you will love these! Oreo & Nutella Cheesecakes - The Londoner.

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