Spring roll salad Vietnamese Spring Roll Salad is everything you love about spring rolls without all the rolling! Just like spring rolls with a fraction of the work. If you love vermicelli bowls at Vietnamese restaurants, you've gotta try this gluten-free and vegan version.

Bahan Membuat Spring roll salad

  1. 1/4 kg udang segar kupas bersih.
  2. 2 butir telur ayam direbus.
  3. 1/2 buah bawang bombay.
  4. Secukupnya nanas.
  5. 5 buah strawbery.
  6. Secukupnya mayonaise.
  7. Secukupnya saos mustard.
  8. Beberapa lembar daun lotus/daun selada.
  9. 5 lembar rice paper.
  10. Secukupnya sambal botol, boleh skip.
  11. 3 sdm kecap asin tambah gula pasir sedikit.
  12. 3 buah cabe rawit.

Langkah Memasak Spring roll salad

  1. Siangi udang,cuci bersih, rebus dg sedikit garam, sebentar sj rebusnya biar gk liat.
  2. Cuci bersih semua buah dan sayur,potong2.telur potong jd 4.
  3. Ambil mangkok yg lebar, isi dg air hangat,celupkan rice paper sebentar, tata sayur, buah, telur, udang dan saos.lipat seperti amplop..
  4. Buat sambalnya:campur cabe rawit yg dipotong halus dg kecap asin dan sedikit gula pasir.
  5. Cara makan dicocol dg saos kecap asin.

Add the rest of the salad ingredients to the bowl and toss. Slice or shred the cooked protein (chicken. Sorry, Salad, I still love you tons. These Fresh Spring Rolls are even better than you'd find at a restaurant, and they're incredibly easy and healthy! Served with a delicious homemade peanut sauce.

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