Vegie Spring roll aka pecel It's just some raw veggies and mung bean vermicelli noodles wrapped in rice paper. If you've followed my blog for a while you probably know that I have a thing for raw food. While these salad rolls aren't entirely raw, they truly are my kind. "Geetha's Masala" a home made healthy product which includes Sambar Powder, Rasam Powder, Curry Masala Powder, Idly Podi etc., With these powders we can.

Bahan Membuat Vegie Spring roll aka pecel

  1. 1/4 kg toge.
  2. Segenggam kacang panjang.
  3. 2 buah wortel.
  4. 1/4 kg timun.
  5. Seikat kangkung.
  6. Kuah :.
  7. 100 gr bumbu pecel.
  8. 300 ml Air matang.

Langkah Memasak Vegie Spring roll aka pecel

  1. Siapkan bahannya. Rendam toge, tiriskan. Potong wortel memanjang, rebus sebentar tiriskan. Potong kacang panjang kurleb 5 cm, rebus sebentar tiriskan. Petiki kangkung, rebus sebentar, tiriskan. Potong2 timun yang sudah dikupas..
  2. Ambil selembar paper rice, rendam dalam air hangat, angkat simpan diatas talenan. Susun kacang panjang, wortel, toge, kangkung dan timun, gulung paper rice sambil dipadatkan, kemudian bungkus dengan plastik agar tidak mengering/keras. Lakukan hingga semua bahan habis..
  3. Masukkan bumbu pecal dan air matang dalam panci, aduk rata, masak hingga bumbu mendidih, angkat sisihkan..
  4. Sajikan spring roll dengan bumbu pecal yang sdh ditaburi bawang goreng.
  5. Penampilan yang cantik pasti disuka anak2..

Made with tempeh or tofu plus fresh veggies, all wrapped in a spring roll wrapper. Enjoy these Fresh Spring Rolls that are filled entirely with veggies! Spaghetti squash instead of noodles, complete with a peanut dipping sauce! Rainbow Veggie Spring Rolls with Sweet Sour Dipping Sauce. Flavorful tofu, crisp veggies, delectable sauce, and so fresh and perfect.

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