Fresh spring roll Todd and I have frequent spring roll parties. Learn how to make vegan spring rolls from scratch using rice paper and fresh healthy veggies and tofu along with the tastiest peanut sauce! Spring rolls are a popular Thai appetizer that are either fried or fresh and can be filled with a variety of proteins and vegetables.

Bahan Membuat Fresh spring roll

  1. Udang segar.
  2. Rice paper.
  3. Selada.
  4. Glass noodle (fensi).
  5. Minyak wijen.
  6. Penyedap rasa.
  7. Bawang putih.

Langkah Memasak Fresh spring roll

  1. Udang segar cuci bersih(kulit jngan di kupas,kupas setelah di steam) steam dengan di taburi bawang putih 4-5 menit(boleh di goreng) setelah mateng sisihkan.
  2. Rendam fensi dengan air panas kasih minyak wijen dan penyedap rasa kurang lebih 5-10 menit setelah it tiris kan.
  3. Cuci selada air sampai bersih tiriskan.
  4. Rice peper rendam 1 persatu menggunakan air hangat 30 detik..jngn terllu lama krn akan rusak dan susah saat membungkus..
  5. Untuk saos kalau saya lebih suka pakai sambel kacang.karna sedang tdk punya sambel kacang saya bikin deep sauce pake 1 sendok teh light soy sauce,garlic cincang,gula.

Impress family and friends with this easy appetizer! These healthy spring rolls are really fun, fresh, and super easy! If you've never had a spring roll, think of it like a bunch of your favorite fresh, crunchy veggies in a nice, thin rice wrapping paper. Vietnamese salad rolls with shrimps, chicken, herbs. Fresh spring rolls wrapped in rice paper.

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