Fruit Spring Roll with Zest Sauce Roll your fruit spring rolls up with fruit secured in center. Repeat until you've used up all your cut fruit. For your dipping sauce, stir honey, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a separate bowl.

Bahan Membuat Fruit Spring Roll with Zest Sauce

  1. 1/2 buah alpukat.
  2. 1/2 buah apel.
  3. 1 buah jeruk sunkist (ambil daging buah dan parut kulitnya).
  4. 2 slices kiwi.
  5. 2 buah stroberi.
  6. 6 lembar rice paper.
  7. 1 mangkok air hangat.
  8. Bahan Saus/Dressing.
  9. 2 sdm mayonaise.
  10. 6 sdm SKM.
  11. 100 ml yoghurt plain set.
  12. Sedikit perasan air lemon.
  13. Sedikit parutan kulit jeruk sunkist.

Langkah Memasak Fruit Spring Roll with Zest Sauce

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahan. Potong memanjang buah-buahan. Sisihkan..
  2. Siapkan air hangat. Ambil 1 lembar rice paper, rendam selama 5 detik (pastikan jangan terlalu lama krn.rice paper gampang robek), lalu letakkan di talenan/piring ceper. Susun buah di atas rice paper (lihat foto) dan lipat gulung rice paper seperti membuat lumpia. Lakukan sampai semua buah habis. Sisihkan..
  3. Untuk sausnya: campur rata semua bahan, terakhir taburi dengan kulit jeruk parut. Pastikan saat memarut kulit jeruk, jangan sampai kena yg bagian putihnya krn.pahit. Kulit jeruk sunkist bisa diganti kulit lemon. Apabila mau lebih sehat, saus mayo bisa diganti dengan campuran madu asli dan parutan kulit jeruk saja..

An added bonus of my Summer Fruit Spring Rolls is that they are full of all natural sugars, are suitable. Although the spring roll wrappers can be a little tricky to get used to, they are very easy to work with once you get the hang of them. Serve immediately with Citrus Dipping Sauce or wrap rolls individually in plastic wrap and refrigerate. I seriously think you could put any veggie (and fruit). These rainbow fruit spring rolls are an ultimate summer treat for all the fruit-lovers, chocolate-lovers and You'll fine all things delicious and summary in these rolls.

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