Fruit spring roll Fruit Spring Rolls With Strawberry Lemonade Dip. Set the spring roll aside and cover with a damp paper towel to keep fresh while you repeat with the remaining ingredients. These fruit spring rolls are a delicious way to enjoy the best produce of the season.

Bahan Membuat Fruit spring roll

  1. 10 lembar paper rice.
  2. 1 buah nanas besar potong persegi empat.
  3. 2 buah kiwi potong tipis-tipis.
  4. 8 buah strawberry.
  5. secukupnya Madu.
  6. 3 buah lemon atau Air lemon yang sudah jadi.
  7. Air hangat untuk melemaskan rice paper.

Langkah Memasak Fruit spring roll

  1. Rice paper direndam sebentar di air hangat hingga lembek. Lakukan setiap kali membuat spring roll, jangan dimasukkan semua nya.
  2. Letakkan di atas pinggan dan masukkan buah sesuai selera susunan..
  3. Gulung seperti menggulung lumpia. Sisihkan. Lakukan hingga selesai..
  4. Cara membuat saus. Air lemon dicampur madu. Sesuaikan rasa sesuai selera..
  5. Siap disajikan. Selamat mencoba.

Since Spring is here, take some of your favorite fruits in season. Arrange the spring rolls on a platter and serve with the dipping sauce. Lihat juga resep Banana Spring Roll enak lainnya! Juicy pork filling, crispy fried outside — this is your OG spring roll right here. Wrap the finished spring rolls in damp paper towels and store in the refrigerator.

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