Peanut butter cookies (kue kacang) #kuekering Masukkan selai kacang dan gula ke dalam mangkuk. Healthy and vegan peanut butter cookies with a secret ingredient: applesauce! There are hundreds of reviews on the recipe.

Bahan Membuat Peanut butter cookies (kue kacang) #kuekering

  1. 250 gr tepung segitiga biru.
  2. 125 gr selai kacang (skippy).
  3. 90 gr gula halus.
  4. 110 ml minyak.
  5. 1 sdm susu bubuk.
  6. 1/2 sdt garam.
  7. 1 sdm margarine.
  8. Bahan Tambahan :.
  9. 1 btr kuning telur.
  10. 1 sdm minyak goreng.
  11. 1 sdt susu cair.
  12. Kacang tanah sangrai untuk hiasan.

Langkah Memasak Peanut butter cookies (kue kacang) #kuekering

  1. Campurkan gula, minyak, selai kacang, garam, margarin, susu bubuk mixer dengan kecepatan rendah sebentar saja asal tercampur rata.
  2. Tambahkan tepung aduk sampai adonan rata.
  3. Cetak adonan sesuai selera, olesi dengan bahan olesan dan beri hiasan kacang diatasnya.
  4. Panggang ke oven dengan suhu -/+ 150 derajat selama -/+ 25-30 menit sesuai oven masing2.
  5. Setelah matang dinginkan baru masukkan ke toples.

For the best results use very well stirred peanut butter or the jarred peanut butter sold pre-mixed at the store. Peanut Butter Cookies cannabis strain's high won't necessarily put you to sleep, but it will feel heavily relaxing with a pronounced physical effect over any Breeder: Square One Genetics Lineage: Peanut Butter Cookies cannabis strain is a cross between Girl Scout Cookies Forum cut and Peanut Butter. Spelt flour bakes into a slightly darker cookie (photo), whole wheat pastry flour is slightly blonder - more traditional in appearance in the end. Finish the cookies with chopped nuts or a sprinkling of flaky salt. While using this kitchen-tested recipe ensures your peanut butter cookies will turn out perfectly.

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