Agar agar apel Please Like, Share and Subscribe untuk mendapatkan video-video terbaru saya, Salam sukses selalu, Salam Petani Indonesia. On you can play agario unblocked at school with different hunger game mods such as pvp, private server and teams. Use special agario skins for free! It's very funny agario game.

Bahan Membuat Agar agar apel

  1. 3 btr apel.
  2. 1 bks agar2 hijau.
  3. 400 ml air.

Langkah Memasak Agar agar apel

  1. Jus apel dgn slow/juicer untuk mendapatkan 300ml sari buah apel.
  2. Masak agar2 dengan air, aduk hingga mendidih, diamkan beberapa saat.
  3. Campurkan pure jus apel ke panci agar2, aduk terus hingga tercampur rata dan tidak Ada buih diatasnya....
  4. Setelah dingin, masukkan ke kulkas.

Use special agario skins for free! agario. Agario, one of the exciting unblocked io games is a fun game and most players enjoy playing. If you haven't tried this enjoyable game, let's look at the rules: The game is played with a blob. Agar Paper io - is multiplayer online game, an alternative. While you are small anybody can eat you.

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