Agar agar pop ice & buah naga Play with millions of players around the world and try to become the biggest. Es un juego agrio muy divertido. Juego de servidor de la escuela alternativa desbloqueado. On you can play online unblocked at school with different game mods such as agario pvp, agario private server and teams.

Bahan Membuat Agar agar pop ice & buah naga

  1. Bahan A:.
  2. 1 sacset agar" swalo(plain).
  3. 2 sacset pop ice strowbery.
  4. Gula pasir(selera).
  5. Susu UHT strowberi.
  6. 900 ml Air.
  7. Bahan B.
  8. 1 sacset agar agar swalo(plain).
  9. 1 buah naga.
  10. Gula pasir(selera).
  11. 1 sacset SKM.

Langkah Memasak Agar agar pop ice & buah naga

  1. Pertama:semua bahan A di campur jadi 1,setelah tercampur panaskan sampai mendidih.
  2. Setelah mendidih angkat,kemudian buang uapnya,setelah itu baru masukan ke dalam cup.
  3. Lakukan sampai habis,nunggu sampai keras bahan pertama,,baru membuat bahan B.
  4. Kedua:semua bahan di campur jadi satu,,aduk sampai tercampur,,kemudian panaskan sampai mendidih.
  5. Setelah mendidih angkat,,kemudian buang punya,,setelah tu kumudian masukan ke dalam cup.
  6. Lakukan sampai selesai,setelah keras semua,,masukan ke dalam kelulkas....
  7. Sajikan selagi dingin.

With the constant urge to feed the agar will not sit in one place. You have to be directing it to where there is food. However you have to avoid larger objects as that will be the end of the game. 🆕 USA - VIRUS POP. New Europe and USA Private Server! iO games at the school play. Move your mouse to control your cell Press Space to split and W to eject some mass. ⚡bigger POP europe. ⚡expert pro USA.

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