Garlic cheese bread Onion, Garlic, Cheese Bread. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Dominos style Garlic Breadsticks & cheese chilli garlic breadsticks This will make you love the bubbly wonderfulness of piping hot garlic cheese bread.

Bahan Membuat Garlic cheese bread

  1. 300 gr tepung cakra.
  2. 40 gr gula pasir.
  3. 15 gr susu bubuk.
  4. 3 gr garam.
  5. 204 gr timbangan 1 kuning telur + susu cair.
  6. 4 gr ragi.
  7. 50 gr margarin.
  8. olesan:.
  9. 3 sdm margarin.
  10. 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
  11. secukupnya oregano/parsley/thyme.

Langkah Memasak Garlic cheese bread

  1. Campurkan tepung, susu bubuk, gula, garam, telur & susu. aduk rata ulen sampai setengah kalis.
  2. Masukkan ragi & margarin, ulen sampe kalis elastis..
  3. Istirahatkan sampai mengembang 2xlipat..
  4. Kempiskan adonan timbang masing 50gr, bulatkan..
  5. Istirahatkan hingga ngembang 2x lipat..
  6. Oles permukaan roti dengan susu uht. oven suhu 190° selama 15-20 menit..
  7. Keluarkan biarkan dingin..
  8. Belah roti menjadi beberapa bagian..
  9. Siapkan olesan. lelehkan margarin masukkan bawang putih, tambahkan parsley/oregano/thyme..
  10. Beri keju ditiap belahan roti, olesi permukaan roti dengan margarin cair..
  11. Panggang lagi 150°c selama 5 menit..
  12. Kalo mau basah bisa dioles lagi permukaan roti dengan sisa lelehan margarin. angkat sajikan..

Typically, these loaves of garlic bread are packaged in some type of foil bag and you bake it at home. Slice the Cheesy Garlic Bread once lengthwise down the center. Cheesy Garlic Bread - Delicious homemade bread stuffed with layers of gooey cheese and garlic. Pure cheesy goodness, inside and out! Jump to the Easy, Homemade Garlic Cheese Bread Recipe or read on to see our tips.

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