Korean garlic cheese bread Jika memanggang dengan panci, alasi dasar panci dengan loyang atau alas kukusan kemudian alasi dengan kertas roti masukkan roti. Saran dari Kompas.com jika tak punya kertas roti, kamu bisa olesi loyang atau alas. premium Korean Garlic Cheese Bread - mini bun - Cream Cheese. Korean cream cheese garlic bread original terlaris/roti garlic korea.

Bahan Membuat Korean garlic cheese bread

  1. 250 gr terigu.
  2. 30 gr gula pasir.
  3. 2 sdt ragi.
  4. 100 ml susu cair.
  5. 1 butir telur.
  6. 30 gr mentega/ butter.
  7. Bahan filing cheese:.
  8. 100 gr cream cheese.
  9. 30 gram gula halus (sesuaikan jika ingin lebih manis).
  10. Bahan butter garlic :.
  11. Mentega 100 gr lelehkan.
  12. 2 sdm daun parsley.
  13. 1 butir telur.
  14. Mayonaise 2 sdm (aku skip).
  15. 2 siung bawang putih cincang.

Langkah Memasak Korean garlic cheese bread

  1. Membuat roti, campurkan semua bahan kecuali mentega.. uleni hingga kalis y.
  2. Diamkan selama 60 mnit.
  3. Bentuk bulat dgn membagi adonan y.. pke timbangan lebih bagus biar sama.
  4. Diamkan lg adonan 15 menit.
  5. Panaskan oven 180’ c.
  6. Oven roti selama 20-25 menit tergntung oven msg2 yaa.. aku 25 menit....
  7. Membuat filing cheese :campurkan cream cheese dgn gula halus aduk rata hingga lembut kemudian sisihkn.
  8. Membuat olesan garlic: campurkan semua bahan olesan sisihkan.
  9. Setelah roti matang ptong2 roti tp jgn smpai putus ya.. lakukan hingga slesai.
  10. Msukan filing cheese disela2 roti, baru oleskan garlic butter ny...
  11. Oven lg 15 mnit dgn 160 ‘c.
  12. Siap disajikan enjoyyy.

With three kinds of cheese, herbs and tons of garlic, this is the Homemade Garlic Bread is one of those recipes that everyone seems to know how to make. It's pretty easy to make the basic recipe. There's regular garlic bread, and then there's THIS Cheesy Garlic Bread! Soft on the inside with crispy edges, perfectly cheesy. The perfect amount of garlic and butter together gets smeared all over your bread before anything else hits it.

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